
In 7th grade this week, we've been reading A Diary of Anne Frank. Students voted to finish their maps of the attic by next Wednesday. We will be finishing Act 1 in class, and they will be reading Act 2, Scenes 1-2 for next Friday. We will be taking a Membean quiz next week too. For any students who want to take advantage of their project work day on 11/24 (the Monday before Thanksgiving), they should be caught up on Membean. I also challenged the students to participate in the parish reading book with 33 Days to Morning Glory. Any students who read the consecration portion can count that as double pages for a book talk (since it bears both academic and spiritul fruit!) when they come back from Christmas break. The parish is planning to finish it by Jan. 1. Seventh graders did a wonderful job with their Socratic seminar on Monday. They are deep thinkers!

Upcoming due dates:
Project 12/5
Test over Holocaust and Anne Frank on 12/11

 In eighth grade this week, we've been reading Stave 2 of A Christmas Carol in class. They will be reading Stave 3 for next Wednesday and Stave 4 for the Monday after. We will be taking a Membean quiz next week too. For any students who want to take advantage of their project work day on 11/24 (the Monday before Thanksgiving), they should be caught up on Membean. I also challenged the students to participate in the parish reading book with 33 Days to Morning Glory. Any students who read the consecration portion can count that as double pages for a book talk (since it bears both academic and spiritul fruit!) when they come back from Christmas break. The parish is planning to finish it by Jan. 1.

Upcoming due dates:
Project 12/15
Test over A Christmas Carol on 12/17


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