ELA Update

In eighth grade this week, we've been reading Stave 3 of A Christmas Carol. They will be reading Stave 4 Monday. We took a Membean assessment and will finish developing our thesis statements for the project essay by Friday. I'm also checking to see that they've started their project on Friday! 

For any students who want to take advantage of their project work day on 11/24 (the Monday before Thanksgiving), they should be caught up on Membean. I also challenged the students to participate in the parish reading book with 33 Days to Morning Glory. Any students who read the consecration portion can count that as double pages for a book talk (since it bears both academic and spiritua fruit!) when they come back from Christmas break. The parish is planning to finish it by Jan. 1. When we get back from Thanksgiving break, we will finish Stave 5 and get ready to go see the play, which the students will enjoy! 

Upcoming due dates:
Christmas Carol Check In 12/5
Project 12/15
Test over A Christmas Carol on 12/17

In 7th grade this week, we've been reading A Diary of Anne Frank. Students practiced using quotes as text evidence in creating a map of the attic.  We took a Membean assessment and fnished two scenes in class, and they are reading two more scenes for Friday. They've been having fun finding various voices to act out the characters with! We also have been working in class on our journals for the project. It would be good for the students to be started typing these at home. They will also come up with five prompts of their own, outside of our 10. The seven  prompts we've done in class are listed below. 

For any students who want to take advantage of their project work day on 11/24 (the Monday before Thanksgiving), they should be caught up on Membean. I also challenged the students to participate in the parish reading book with 33 Days to Morning Glory. Any students who read the consecration portion can count that as double pages for a book talk (since it bears both academic and spiritua fruit!) when they come back from Christmas break. The parish is planning to finish it by Jan. 1. When we get back from Thanksgiving break, we will finish the play and finish our projects by that next Friday. 

Upcoming due dates:
Project 12/5
Test over Holocaust and Anne Frank on 12/11

In-Class Journal Prompts
  • Journal Entry 1:
    • Here’s what I know about the Holocaust and Anne Frank…
    • Here’s what I want to know about the Holocaust and Anne Frank…
  • Journal Entry 2:  Pretend you had one hour to prepare to go into hiding.  You can NEVER return to your home.  You can not carry a suitcase; it would be obvious you were going into hiding.  It is winter, therefore VERY cold outside and there is limited food where you are going.  What items would you take with you?  How would you disguise these items and how would you carry them?
  • Journal entry 3:
    • If you had to live in hiding and could not make a sound from 9am-6pm everyday, except Sunday, and had no electronic toys to entertain yourself, what would you do?  Explain your daily schedule in your diary.
  • Journal entry 4: Anne’s father tells her to remember, “There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.”  Respond to this quote…Do you agree?  Disagree? What does this mean to you? How does it relate to your life?
  • Journal entry 5: In Scene 4 Anne describes the first thing each of the people in the secret annex would like to do after getting out of the hidden quarters.  If you were free after many months of hiding, what would be the first thing you would like to do?  WHY?
  • Journal entry 6:
    • Create a Name poemà Format:
Line 1 – the character’s first name
Line 2 - "It means" then 3 adjectives that describe the character
Line 3 - "It is the number" then any number you choose
Line 4 - "It is like" describe a color but don't name it
Line 5 - "It is " and name something the character would remember experiencing with family or friends that makes them smile to recall
Line 6 - "It is the memory of" and name a person who is or has been significant to the character
Line 7 - "Who taught me" 2 abstract concepts (such as "honesty")
Line 8 - "When he/she" then refer to something that person did that displayed the qualities in line 7
Line 9 - "My name is" character’s first name
Line 10 - "It means" and in 1-2 brief sentences state something important the character believes about life.

  • Journal entry 7: Prepare a holiday gift list for your family as Anne did.  Include only items that cost no money.  Write an explanation of why each gift is just right for the person receiving it.


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