Battle of the Books
This year, middle schoolers at Sacred Heart have a new opportunity to compete in Battle of the Books! See below:
4th through 8th grade are invited to participate
in Battle of the Books,
which is a program that some of you may already know about. Battle of the Books
is a friendly
competition between students. Students will be in teams where they will divide
up a list of
books and read those books over the next few months. The team will have a parent volunteer who will meet with them to help make sure
the students are staying up on their
reading and making note of the important parts of
their books. Then in May, we will have the
teams come together to battle between each
other over questions from each book. This is a fun
way to encourage reading and to add a little
friendly competition into the mix.Students
will have until the 27th to register their team. There are 2 levels of book lists, 4-6 grade and 6-8 grade. There are a few requirements as this is
open to multi-grades.
● Teams of up to 6 members
● Must have a parent volunteer
● Teams can be a mix of students from
different grade levels based
on level of book list. Each
team must submit a form (1 per team) with each member listed, grade level, and
their parent
volunteer. Parent volunteer must sign the form. Teams that do not have a parent volunteer may not participate. After all forms are collected, an email
will be sent to the parent
volunteer with more information and book list.
look forward to beginning Battle of the Books, and we hope that it encourages
our students to
grow in their love for reading!
Hart, Miss Moffitt, and Mrs. Meidinger
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