
Showing posts from May, 2015

End of the school year

It's been a pleasure to teach your children this year! Here are a couple fun pictures and updates from the last two weeks. One last homeroom picture!  7th graders did an awesome job helping run the elementary field day.  We had the awesome opportunity  to hear from a Holocaust survivor. The message she gave us was beautiful! She told us to remove all hate from our hearts and to replace it with love. House leaders!  Congrats to all the houses. Siena is the winner this year. These are the highest totals of House points that we've seen. Nice work this year, Sacred Heart Siena won Field Day today with 270 points, followed closely by Seton with 265.  The rest of the field was:  Kolbe: 230,  Neumann: 210, JP II: 125 and Benedict: 125. Our overall House Results are: Siena 3565 Seton 3399 JP II 3389 Neumann 3311 Kolbe 3295 Benedict 3147 Siena House! We had a great time at field day!  ...

Holocaust speaker

We had the awesome opportunity yesterday to hear from a Holocaust survivor. The message she gave us was beautiful! She told us to remove all hate from our hearts and to replace it with love.

Siena wins!

Congrats to all the houses! Siena is the winner this year. These are the highest totals of House points that we've seen. Nice work this year, Sacred Heart Siena won Field Day today with 270 points, followed closely by Seton with 265.  The rest of the field was:  Kolbe: 230,  Neumann: 210, JP II: 125 and Benedict: 125. Our overall House Results are: Siena 3565 Seton 3399 JP II 3389 Neumann 3311 Kolbe 3295 Benedict 3147 House leaders!  Siena House!

Field Day

We had a great time today! Stay posted for the House winners tomorrow.

7th Survey

We'll take this in class! Thanks!

Class Update

Students have turned in over 550 extra credit words this year! Incredible! These are Membean words they learned and read/heard/saw somewhere else. Way to apply your learning. :)  These two ladies read over 40 books this year. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! 

Price Chopper Party

Thank you, Price Chopper! We had fun today at our pages parties! We had SO much food. My four classes read over 230,000 pages this year. Awesome!

Summer Reading

As we head into summer, the best way your child can help himself or herself academically is to read for fun over the summer!  As a parent if you could help them set aside time each day (even just 10 minutes!), that helps them prioritize reading, which can be hard to do with all the other fun available – video games, technology, sports, friend time, etc. Please help them have high-interest reading material in their hands. The better the reader they become, the more they can apply reading skills to EVERY subject. Please also consider participating in Sacred Heart's Scholastic contest! Miss Rajewski and Mrs. Kelly would love to give reading recommendations! We also encourage using audio books, e-books, or graphic novels. The library has great options too. Looking for a new book? Check out these sites: ·         March Book Madness Check out the brackets for the winning middle grade and young adult novels!

8th Survey

We'll do this in class!

8th Update

We're almost finished with The Princess Bride. We have about 30 pages left! We're in the thick of the action now! We will be watching the movie later this week and tracking the 12 stages of the hero's quest. Students made several Wordles of the action so far!  Princess Bride Wordles Also, class magazines are in! I'll be passing them out tomorrow. Please make sure your child brings yours home. :)  They look great! Thanks for ordering. 

Scholar's Bowl -- 7th and 8th grade

For any 7th graders interested in competing for SHOJ next year or for 8th graders wanting to compete for their high school: On behalf of St. James Academy's Scholars Bowl team and sponsor, Joe Walberg, I invite your Scholars Bowl/Quiz Bowl team members to participate in a summer camp on June 1-5, 2015, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. at St. James. We'll tackle such concepts as: What Is Scholars Bowl? How can I be a better teammate? Learn strategies for competing, working as a team, and dissecting questions to get to the root of the correct answer! What a great opportunity to learn the nuts and bolts of this rewarding State High School Activities Association quiz game. Please share this invitation with your school's Scholars Bowl/Quiz Bowl participants. We hope to make an impact on your team's future success! Go to our online registration page, , enter the registrant...

Capitol Field Trip

We had a great time on our field trip to the Kansas Capitol. Thanks, Mrs. Bright and Mrs. Wranosky, for planning a great trip!  About to climb the dome! Lots of selfies were taken. :) Here they are standing outside the State Library.  Students answered questions in the House of Representatives. We had a great tour guide!  What a great group pic! This was taken outside the Kansas Supreme Court with the Capitol in the background.  A silly picture!  Preparing for our own committee meeting!  During this meeting, students debated if uniforms should be mandated in all schools across Kansas.  Members of each side had a chance to present. They did a great job! 

Extra Credit Opportunities

Students,  Remember the extra credit opportunities that we talked about:  1. Membean packet due 5/15 2. If you want to donate middle-school books to the classroom library by 5/15 3. 8th only: Straight Ace As always, you can also drop a quiz the last week of the quarter. Have a great weekend!  Miss R.