Brown Bottle Baskets

Dear Sacred Heart Parents:

Thank you so much for all of your donations to the Brown Bottle gift baskets.  Every single donation is greatly appreciated! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT AT BROWN BOTTLE TO WIN A BASKET. J Anyone can purchase tickets: students, parents, parishioners.  Tickets may be purchased anytime this week or at the Brown Bottle auction.
If your child is interested in purchasing raffle tickets in hopes of winning one of the gift baskets, please fill out the attached order form and send the completed form along with your payment back to school with your child.   The raffle tickets will be delivered to your child’s classroom.  The students will be given an opportunity to place their raffle tickets in any basket they are interested in winning between Monday and Thursday. 
The gift baskets will be on display the evening of Brown Bottle and you will still have a chance to purchase tickets until the live auction begins.  The winners for each basket will be drawn at that time.  If you have any questions, please email Kim Dreiling at  Thank you again for your generosity!

Sacred Heart Students: Please turn in this form with your money to the front office anytime this week.  Since it is a short week, the last day to bring money will be Thursday, April 23rd.



Number of raffle tickets:__________

Amount attached:_______________
$1 a ticket

$20 for 25 tickets


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