
Showing posts from April, 2015

ELA Update

Middle school families, In English class 7th graders started the last work that we're reading this year, which is the story "Flowers for Algernon." It brings up many good topics to discuss, such as the power of intelligence and science and the value society places on them.  As the quarter winds down, please encourage your child to sign up for and complete their book talks.  In 8th grade, we're in a pretty intense part of  The Princess Bride ( the book) plot. We connected Joseph Campbell's 12 Stages of a Hero's Journey to other books and movies last week. The students have their complex sentences test Monday. Remember, students, using Straight Ace will be a great study tool, and it earns you extra credit!  The students will have a  quiz  for reading next week WED . They will need to have the 12 Stages memorized in order, like we talked about in class.  As the quarter winds down, please encourage your child to sign up for and complete their b...

Wall of Honor

Way to go! With all the breaks in March and April, we combined the past couple months. So proud of these readers! 

Prayer Balloon found

One of the prayer balloons has been found! I received the email below: Hi Miss Rajewski, I found a red balloon with a bunch of students and teachers names on it.  I then looked the teachers names on Google and came up with Scared Heart Catholic School in Shawnee, Kansas.  Sure enough when I accessed your website, I see that you guys released prayer balloons.  The balloon made it all the way to Lake Springs, Missouri (a ~190 mile distance apart).  I thought that you might find interesting that the balloons travel such a great distance. How neat is that?! 

Faith family send-off

Thanks to our faith family leaders this year! We had a beautiful send-off today for these 8th graders and the connections they've built in their faith families. The balloons represented the prayers we offered up!

Brown Bottle Baskets

Dear Sacred Heart Parents: Thank you so much for all of your donations to the Brown Bottle gift baskets.  Every single donation is greatly appreciated ! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE PRESENT AT BROWN BOTTLE TO WIN A BASKET. J Anyone can purchase tickets: students, parents, parishioners.  Tickets may be purchased anytime this week or at the Brown Bottle auction. If your child is interested in purchasing raffle tickets in hopes of winning one of the gift baskets, please fill out the attached order form and send the completed form along with your payment back to school with your child.   The raffle tickets will be delivered to your child’s classroom.  The students will be given an opportunity to place their raffle tickets in any basket they are interested in winning between Monday and Thursday.  The gift baskets will be on display the evening of Brown Bottle and you will still have a chance to purchase tickets until the live auction begins.  The winners...

Progress Reports due Monday!

Students received them today. They are due back signed on Monday. Crazy to think we're already half of the way through fourth quarter!

Class Update

We finished tracking the national March Book Madness, which ended this week. The students had fun voicing their opinions and talking about books. Students have been working hard this week. Way to go! They have finished their reading state tests and have moved onto math. Please be sure they are getting good sleep and breakfast. Thanks! 7th graders finished writing their rough drafts of their Outsiders literary analysis papers. They are spending their writing class in the next couple weeks editing them. I'm really proud of them for the character analysis papers they created. We are now working on SCOPE magazine -- learning about tone, text evidence, and text structure. The article one class read about phone usage really created a buzz! 8th graders are also working on SCOPE magazine, which is helping them hone their literary analysis skills. I was really impressed today with how much they've grown since the beginning of the year in their ability to track the mood of a st...


 I will be placing an order for Scholastic next Monday, April 13th. Students have been doing lots of reading, and I have many students asking me for new books and book suggestions.  Please check out the catalog or the reading brochures your students brought home to find books that interest them! Thanks for your generosity in the past. We received lots of new books for our classroom library.  To Shop Online: One-Time Class Activation Code: L7ZJ6 Due by 4/13 With Scholastic Reading Club: - Every book you buy earns FREE Books for our classroom library - You can choose from handpicked, grade- and reading-level-specific books for your child - You'll find the best values on a variety of formats, including eBooks Each month, your child will bring home Reading Club flyers. Together you can choose from books hand-selected by teachers and experts, and then order online or by returning your order form and payment to me. I 'm excited to get our...

SJA Visit

St. James Academy will be visiting our 6th and 7th graders on Thursday, April 9. Administrators and students want to help 6th and 7th graders prepare for making the high school choice, and encourage them to continue their Catholic education after Sacred Heart into High School. In a very short while you will be making this decision at your house! The program opens at 1:45 p.m.; after the welcome video and remarks, parents of any Sacred Heart student are invited to a concurrent meeting with St. James Academy President, Mr. Tylicki, to discuss high school tuition and fees, policies and other important topics. Feel free to take part!