8th grade families, Check out the 3rd-annual 8th grade class magazine, this year entitled The Grads . All students contributed to the magazine, which is bound like a magazine and looks like a professional publication. In the magazine, students share their "Where I'm From" poems, giving readers a glimpse of the people, places, events, and objects that have shaped the students' lives. This is a great collection from the wonderful class of 2015 and shows the voice and personality of each student who participated! The proceeds from the magazine benefit Sacred Heart. The magazines costs $20 per magazine. Families can place an order at Brown Bottle. If you are not able to attend Brown Bottle, you can have a friend sign up and pay for you or you can contact me (sarah.rajewski@shoj.org). Parents can purchase this item for themselves, grandparents, the student, and anyone else you think might enjoy it. After ordering, the final magazines will be delivered to...