Holocaust field trip

Hi, some students wanted me to post the text of the field trip permission slip online. This is due tomorrow for 7th grade. If it does not make it home, please copy the text below and print it out. Thanks so much! I think it will be a very interesting field trip leading us into reading about Anne Frank.

7th Grade trip -- Legal Guardian Permission
Dear Parent or Legal Guardian:
Your son/daughter/guardianship has been selected to participate in a school sponsored activity that requires transportation to a location away from the school site.  This activity will take place under the guidance and supervision of employees from Sacred Heart School.  A brief description of the activity follows:

Curriculum Goal:  Discuss the power of persuasion and connect back to persuasive writing, propaganda in the modern world, and our quarter two reading about Anne Frank
Destination:   We are going to the National Archives (400 W. Pershing Road, KC MO) for the “State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda” presented by the Midwest Center for Holocaust Education and produced by the U.S.  Holocaust Memorial Museum

Designated Supervisor of Activity:  Sarah Rajewski

Date and Time of Departure:  October 21st at 8:30 – We might be a little early, but you never know with traffic!

Date and Time of Return:  Oct. 21st around 1 p.m. If it is nice out, we will stay for lunch and eat outside. If it is cold or rainy, we will bring our sack lunches back to school and eat in the classroom. PLEASE do not order a school lunch this day. We might not be back.

Method of Transportation: Parent transportation – If you can drive, please see below!

Student Cost:   Free. Students will need to bring a sack lunch.


                I can drive    Name: ________________ Phone #: _________________   My car holds _________ (excluding you)
*If you can drive, I need you to fill out the back of this form too.

Email address:  _____________________________________________________________________________________

If you would like your child to participate in this event, please complete, sign and return the following statement of consent and release of liability. I understand that as a parent/legal guardian, I remain legally responsible for any personal actions taken by the above named minor participant. I agree on behalf of myself, my child named herein, our heirs, successors and assigns to hold harmless and defend Sacred Heart in Shawnee, Kansas, the Archdiocese of Kansas City, and their officers, employees, volunteers, chaperons, agents and representatives associated with this activity, from any claim arising from or in connection with my child attending the activity or in connection with any illness or injury (including death) or cost of medical treatment resulting from the activity; and further, I agree to compensate the parish/school and the Archdiocese, their officers, employees, volunteers, chaperons, agents and representatives associated with this activity for reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses which may be incurred in any action brought against them as a result of such injury or damage, unless such claim arises from the negligence of the parish/school/archdiocese.  To the best of my knowledge, my child is in good health and is physically able to participate in this activity.  I assume all responsibility for the health of my child. I hereby consent to participation by my child in the event described above.  I understand this event will take place away from school grounds and my child will be under the supervision of the designated school employee(s) on the stated dates.  I further consent to the conditions stated above on participation in this event, including the method of transportation.

________________________              _________                     ___________________   _______________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian                     Date                              Emergency Phone Number                Address

I hereby authorize Sacred Heart Catholic School to take my child for medical treatment in the event of an emergency in which neither parent can be reached.  I authorize any licensed physician or medical center to treat my child.

_____________________________                      ___________________________                 
Signature of Parent/Guardian                                      Date


NAME  __________________________________  Date of Birth ______________________

Address __________________________________  Social Security # ___________________


Driver’s License #__________________________  Date of Expiration __________________


Name of Owner ___________________________  Model of Vehicle ___________________

Address             ___________________________    Make of Vehicle ____________________

License Plate     ___________________________    Year of Vehicle _____________________

Date of Expiration _________________________   Expiration Date _____________________

If more than one vehicle is to be used, the aforementioned information must be provided for each vehicle.


When using a privately-owned vehicle, the insurance coverage is the limit of the insurance policy covering that specific vehicle.

Insurance Company __________________________________________________________

Policy # ___________________________  Expiration Date __________________________

Liability Limits of Policy* _____________________________________________________

*Please note:   The minimal, acceptable liability limit for privately-owned vehicles is $100,000/$300,000.

**Virtus Trained:  Yes      No (Must be Virtus trained prior to the date of the field trip)


I certify that the information given on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.  I understand that as a volunteer driver, I must be 21 years of age or older, possess a valid driver’s license, have the proper and current license and vehicle registration, and have the required insurance coverage in effect on any vehicle used to transport students.

Signature                                                                                 Date

                                                                                                                                    Form #C115e


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