Today's Assembly and 8th grade project

*Tomorrow is the last day 8th graders can send in their "If you really knew me, you'd know me that...." facts.  If I don't have it, they will not be included in the final product.  Again, students were given over a month to turn this is.  Please email me a Word document or type in the facts in the message.

The NED show assembly:
Today we had an awesome award assembly in the gym.
The entire school sat in faith families to hear about The NED show.
It was a great way to wrap up our positive behavior system at Sacred Heart.
An option they do have is to purchase yo-yos.  Several children did.  You may still come in before school, after school or send in money with your child for during lunchtime to purchase one if they want.  The yo yo is $7, $10 and $15 depending on what to get and there are accessories available like a holster or replacement strings if wanted/needed.  Please make checks to Sacred Heart.  The items will be available for 5 days.

The children are allowed at outside recess to stay in a yo-yo zone (on the grass in front of the building) to play with the items if desired.

Please ask your child about our assembly  and what NED stands for:)


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