A fun spring break event

Dear families,

We wish you a wonderful and relaxing week! 7th graders, I saw this and thought of you. After spending time last semester learning about the Holocaust, this exhibit sounds very interesting.

From now through Monday, March 31st at the Kansas City (MO) Public Library, there will be an exhibit looking at Holocaust related information through comic books. If you've got time over spring break or the week after, you should check it out! I'm planning to.

Here's the description from the website:

The role played by comic books in fighting fascism is explored in an exhibit spanning almost 70 years.
During the war, superheroes such as Superman, Daredevil, and Captain America did battle with Adolph Hitler and his Nazis. Dr. Seuss, then an editorial cartoonist, depicted Hitler frolicking beneath the swaying bodies of executed Jews.
The postwar years introduced the classic X-Men character Magneto, a Holocaust survivor who uses his superpowers to wreak vengeance on Nazi war criminals. Art Spiegelman’s Maus: A Survivor’s Tale depicts Jews as mice and Nazis as uniformed cats. It became the first graphic novel to win the Pulitzer Prize.
Have a relaxing and blessed week. 
-- Miss R. 


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