ELA Links
7th grade:
First lab activity: 1) Visit this website: http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/a2z.php?type=idcard
2) Pick a Holocaust victim with a last name that starts with the same letter as your own.
3) Read their biography, and post your own five-sentence summary of their life onto your blog.
Second lab activity: Visit the Kidblog site and create another post for the day. I've given you an optional prompt.
Third lab activity (if you have time): Quiz yourself (under Spelling Bee or Learn this List) on Act 1 vocab words. https://www.vocabulary.com/lists/259369#view=notes My username is sarah.rajewski@shoj.org, and the password is learn.
8th grade:
First lab activity: Visit http://www.patheos.com/blogs/markdroberts/series/christmas-according-to-dickens/. Scroll down to the second entry "Dickens: The Man Who Invented Christmas?." Read that whole entry (until you see "The Real Business of Christmas, according to Charles Dickens.") Summarize this article in a post on your blog. If you are interested in this topic, feel free to read other sections on the page.
Second lab activity: Visit the Kidblog site and create another post for the day. I've given you an optional prompt.
Third lab activity (if you have time): Quiz yourself (under Spelling Bee or Learn this List) on Stave 1 vocab words. https://www.vocabulary.com/lists/232629#view=notes My username is sarah.rajewski@shoj.org, and the password is learn.
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