Citation of electronic sources

8th graders, 

Here's the info that I said I would post. As you're finding a good website to cite for your essay, remember to use the format in your notebook on pages 38-39. 

}Collect as much of the following information as possible, but sometimes website do not list it all:
Author and/or editor names (if available)
Article name in quotation marks (if applicable)
Title of the Website, project, or book in italics. (Remember that some Print publications have Web publications with slightly different names. They may, for example, include the additional information or otherwise modified information, like domain names [e.g. .com or .net].)
Publisher information, including the publisher name and publishing date.
Medium of publication.
Date you accessed the material.
URL (if required, or for your own personal reference; MLA does not require a URL).

}If there is no author, start with the title of the webpage.
}If there is no sponsoring institution or publisher, use N.p.
}If there is no date of publication, use n.d.
Still punctuate the same


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