
Showing posts from October, 2016

Scholar's Bowl

The 8th-grade team did so well today! They placed first at the Bishop Miege meet. It was quite an accomplishment. In the championship round Working together Way to go! 

Middle School Positivity

Thanks to the students who became locker fairies over night! It was so awesome to see all the lockers decorated with positive messages today. I saw students carrying their messages around later, so I know the kind words made an impact. 

8th Grade Play

Look at all these great props for the 8th grade SCOPE play, "Once a Crook, Always a Crook," which was a fun trip to the Wild West. 

Class Update

The seventh graders presented their SCOPE Magazine plays today. We loved watching them as a class! Nice work! Rehearsal -- they did a great job organizing and being creative! 


I will be placing an order for Scholastic next Thursday, Oct. 14th. There are more books available if you click the red button below than were on the form I sent with the students. It's a great time to stock up for second quarter!  Please check out the catalog or the reading brochures your students brought home to find books that interest them! Thanks for your generosity in the past. We received lots of new books for our classroom library.  To Shop Online: One-Time Class Activation Code: L7ZJ6 Due by 10/14 *You can also click on the button below to take you to our class.    With Scholastic Reading Club: - Every book you buy earns FREE Books for our classroom library - You can choose from handpicked, grade- and reading-level-specific books for your child - You'll find the best values on a variety of formats, including eBooks Each month, your child will bring home Reading Club flyers. Together you can choos...

Bag a Book

I loved seeing what the students turned in last week. I will take these to Price Chopper soon to enter the contest. The students are excited to see if we will have a winner!

Class Update

Last Friday, Siena did service for the school, and one group left this beautiful message from Sunday's responsorial psalm for students to see as they left for the weekend. "Come, let us sing joyfully for the Lord!"  8th graders had a great Socratic Circle discussion today on the state of education in the United States. Our Article of the Week posed questions about education, and it was really interesting to hear the students' thoughts. They did a great job expressing themselves and dialoguing with each other! I was impressed.  

SCOPE Activity

7R, Here are the links you need! Ben Kamm is just one of the many amazing heroes of the Holocaust. To help your students understand what life was like for Jewish partisans like Ben, we've put together a  Guided Research Activity , which asks students to gather information from our article “Teens Against Hitler ”  and several other sources, including the  Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation’s fantastic website .  Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation: What is a partisan? United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Video Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation: Virtual Zemlyanka Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation: Videos Yad Vashem: Diary Entry of a Jewish Partisan Yad Vashem: Abba Kovner's Manifesto Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation: Why did the partisans fight? Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation: Video Biography - Ben Kamm